
Use mind power on your finances with News for the Soul's Prosperity Kit:

You are doing it already - start moving in the right direction now!


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MP3s for the Soul
c/o News for the Soul info@newsforthesoul.com

Phone: (604) 780-6397

Prosperity Kit: a massive, value-packed life changing bundle available right NOW!

prosperity kit


We have added A LOT of incredible extras and bonuses to The Prosperity Kit!   Besides the 11 steps to freedom from financial fear, we have added a daily exercise program as well as a one-of-a-kind video exercise which walks you through a visual process to direct your intention power - the technology of our exclusive Spoonbending Kits on creating wealth (or any goal you want!).  

We also added a veritable audio arsenal for you to immerse in (yes, this does require turning off CNN and listening to strong messages of empowerment 24/7!).    A bonus of over 30 hours of incredible NFTS audio in MP3 format have also been added to the Prosperity Kit - and more!

Find out all about it here:::

FROM: Nicole Whitney, Producer/Founder/Host of News for the Soul, dubbed 'The Oprah of the Internet' by NFTS Listeners...

'Recession proof your reality' now! Order here to INSTANTLY access the entire Prosperity Kit now:

Choices (to share as a gift):


On special today for only 47- !!!!!!



Are you living a truly free, empowered life?

Would you like to have more power to make a positive difference? Me too. In fact, this yearning motivated me to do over a decade of research on the subject of prosperity. I've compiled an amazingly helpful package of teachings that condense years and years of invaluable information into a life changing prosperity plan. And now as we're being inundated with negative media messages on this topic more than ever, I am pleased to announce the aptly timed release of News for the Soul's life changing Prosperity Kit. The NFTS Prosperity Kit outlines a plan for us to feel better NOW so we can get back on track and live the life we intended. Period.

This program starts from square one - moving right into the anxiety and fear, stepping right into it and transforming it [rather than avoiding or ignoring it which just makes it grow!] so we can reclaim our power and create more of what we actually desire.

For years, many News for the Soul listeners have had a direct experience with their power to create their reality through our exclusive Spoon Bending Kits - a mind over matter training that teaches you how to bend metal with your mind - for real! Well, what if you can use that same technology on your finances??

What if you can take that same 'spoon bending' intention power and use it on the 'so called recession'?


You can!

The Prosperity Kit is the newest exclusive life changing kit created at News for the Soul and it's available now. We have combined the intention technology of our spoonbending kits with a decade of research to create a program that has the power to change your financial life. Or to put it in a better way, it enables you need to step into YOUR own power and change your financial life. Now.

Isn't it time to transcend fear and live the way we intended?

For real?


. , STEP ONE - Relaxing really.

.,STEP TWO - Feeling good now for real.

., STEP THREE - Step into the crap, face the crap and clear the crap.

., STEP FOUR - It's all an illusion.

., STEP FIVE - Consciously counting our blessings.

., STEP SIX - New busy-ness for the mind.

., STEP SEVEN - Conscious visioning.

., STEP EIGHT - Empower your design.

.,STEP NINE - Surrender?

.,STEP TEN - Rinse and repeat.

., STEP ELEVEN - Taking shorter rides.


The NFTS Prosperity Kit ALSO contains:

Over 30 hours of bonus audio...

Plus newly added documentation...

plus our exclusive Video Visualization walk through power excercise and more...


PLUS you'll also receive this amazing bonus gift:


NFTS EXCLUSIVE Spoonbending Training Level One: Learn to bend metal with your mind for real.... Experience the TRUE power of your mind and realize if you can bend metal with intention, you really really can 'recession proof your reality' now!

"We are the ones we've been waiting for".

nicole whitneyAs conscious people, I believe we have a responsibility to transcend this painful fearbased level of living and really 'walk our talks'. As they say, "we are the ones we've been waiting for" and it is our time now to lead the way. As we all know, there are many people living via the negative media inundation in the world. And as conscious people we must live this to the best of our ability, not letting anything stop us from living authentically. I've often said on the show, 'just imagine if we were all living from purpose, freedom, empowerment and love - right now - at the same time. Just imagine."

Begin reclaiming your power here:

'Recession proof your reality' now! Order here to INSTANTLY access the entire Prosperity Kit:

Choices (to share as a gift):



Life Changing
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Challenging belief systems and expanding our consciousness is the foundation of our explorations via MP3s for the Soul..

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Self empowerment through consciousness raising experiences is the key to KNOWING in the moment [rather than trying to adopt ideas we've been told about]..

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Abundance is a key part of the self empowerment path. Check out the latest news and our Prosperity Kit information found here.


Thankyou! You have brought such joy and peace to the universe with your show....may you continue to do your mission and bring knowledge to others.

....with blessings and gratitude, Linda Clark


Mind Vs. Matter
  • Level One Training

    Exclusive, instant and powerful. Use this audio and video teaching to instantly connect with your REAL ability to affect matter with your 'mind. On special HERE for only $47 for a limited time


  • Level Two Training

    They've not only raised the bar, they've bent it! This new level two spoonbending course has added LOADS of new information, videos, reports, audios and more - all to support you in having a direct experience NOW with your true NATURAL capabilities.